Why should you sell NFTs?

Epik NFT
3 min readFeb 18, 2022

A one of a kind trading card, which is non-replaceable with any other token, the NFT is a revolution in the world of digital art and is a great opportunities for the unknown artists who are not financially capable for any auction or art gallery as a result; they have to give credits for their art to somewhere else. Selling NFT has great probabilities of unexpected extraordinary values of the crypto arts. NFT has a growing market place where artists are selling millions of dollar for a single digital art piece. Sales have reached twice throughout the year 2020 and around 20 thousand digital art objects had already sold for more than $533 million dollars. The future is booming and prospering in the market of NFT for the investors of 2022.

The question arises how to sell the NFTs?

The speed and the unbelievable growth of the Non fungible tokens represent the future of the crypto art. We can store the Non Fungible Tokens in the crypto space where buyers and sellers get entry through blockchain in the NFT marketplace where with a unique identification the investor will get a digital locker and wallet for collectivities.

Value and the advantages of the Non Fungible tokens

If we talk about the values and the benefits of the digital marketplace, Non Fungible tokens are easily transferable from sellers to buyers on blockchain and it’s completely trustworthy and preserves the proprietorship therefore no one has the right to change any data in the future. NFTs are used in gaming industries for buying rare features and weapons and through NFTs can be easily transferrable. It is not possible to make replicas of the NFTs due to their link with Ethereum blockchain.

Most important keywords/concepts to know about NFT

To understand the NFT, First we need to understand concepts related to it-

Cyrptocurrency- is a term used in blockchain. It is a mode of currency that is used online for buying and selling things online. It is a latest revolutionary technology for exchanging things and services on internet.

Crypto art- is a digital art that has verified ownership of the piece same like physical art piece.

Ethereum- Ethereum is a technology that has opens the gates of digital money and global businesses. It has given the opportunities to creators to earn digitally all over the world. It is same like Bitcoin, but different blockchain. As Bitcoin is for changing money, Ethereum is for changing assets.

Blockchain- is known as the safest technology to exchange digital money. This technology is vast spread across the globe through internet. It manages NFT, Bitcoin, ethereum, and the latest revolutionary technologies for earning money for your digital assets.

These are few basic terms used in the digital market of NFT.

Artists who got a lot through NFT market

Many artists have also shown their interest in the NFT market. Beeple, whose art value is $113M, is the most expensive digital artwork. Moreover Mike Winkelmann who earned $69M Trevor Jones got $18M for his artwork. 18 years old teen artist Fewocious, got $18M for his work is not less than any revolution in digital art work. A music and art combined art work of Mad Dog Jones is sold for $9M. Infect NFT has also opened the gated for unknown artists and given them chance to enter the digital art work. These are the most expensive digital art works in the crypto art world.

NFT has much more plans for the digital future form collectibles to virtual games and accessories. Non fungible tokens are not just for buying the art, but you can explore much more for opportunities and make more in the future.

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Epik NFT

EpikNFT is a platform that supports NFTs and crypto artists all over world. Follow us on Twitter @EpikNFT